Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Climb 3 - Saturday June 27 - Sport Utility Part 2

Where: Sport Utility Wall
With Whom: Mark E-Mazing and Max

Mark leads like it's his job.

On top of the city.

Which way are you not supposed to look?

My favorite shot of the evening... maybe even the month.

Mark reaches the top.

Rock on.

The 10a starts in this mini cave. ph: M. E-Mazing

Me. ph: M. E-Mazing

Max gives it a go. ph: M. E-Mazing

Friday June 19 - Saturday June 20 - The Wasatch Back Relay

Where: All over Northern Utah
With Whom: People from work and their friends... after spending 27 straight hours with them they are now my friends.

It all began in Logan.

Team name: The Bast Fastards (Jason thought this small shirt was a medium)

The whole team was only all together at the starting line and the finish line.

Getting ready for the start.


The band at the first big transition (from one van to another) was really pulling in a big crowd.

I was in van 2 and even though our team began the race at 10:15am, our van didn't actually start running until like 2:30 or 3pm.

But then we ran...

and ran...

and ran...

and ran...

We were able to grab a short rest after running for a few hours. We had Subway for dinner (NEVER get a salad at Subway - it is not a good idea) then hung out at Tiffany's friends house above the next big transition (East Canyon) for about an hour.

At about 10:30pm we were running again.

We each had the chance to run though the night and I finished my night leg around 4am. We then tried to sleep under this pavilion in Heber. We slept for about one hour (or less) before we had to get up and get ready to run again.

And we ran...

and ran...

and ran uphill...

up super steep hills...

and down hills. Sorry to Amber for not getting more pictures of her. She ran right before I did and I was always getting ready to run and not shooting photos. My bad.

We did the race in something like 27 hrs and 17 min. I was surprised with the amount of fun I had doing it. Yes, I would do it again.

Climb 2 - Saturday June 6 - Sport Utility Part 1

Where: Sport Utility Wall
With Whom: Mark E-Mazing

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Climb 1 - Monday May 25 - A Warm Up

The river is always higher this time of year.

Where: Ferguson Canyon
With Whom: Mark E-Mazing

To celebrate Memorial Day in the best way we know how, Mark and I went up Ferguson Canyon to do a little climbing.  We climbed a few sport routes and one trad.  It is nice to be out again on rock, but it was a quick reminder that I am out of shape and sometimes a bit of a headcase when it comes to climbing.  Oh well, it was fun.

No climbing photos, but I did shoot some stuff.

The wildflowers are in season.

Here's one.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ski 54 - Monday May 18 - An Attempt at the Pfeifferhorn

Where: The Pfeifferhorn (sort of)
With Whom: Cody
Time: 7am to 3:30pm
Ski Conditions: Variable

They say you win some and you lose some.  Well, today I would say that we tied.

After a lifetime of staring at the Pfeifferhorn and desiring to ski it, I finally decided to do it just a few weeks ago.  Co-workers showed interest at first, but then dropped out for various reasons.  I was at the Wasatch Canyons Tomorrow presentation last Thursday and I had decided I was just going to have to wait until next year to ski it.  Then I ran into Code-man and Sarah.  They wanted to do it on Monday.  Yes.  I was in.  

Sarah ended up dropping out due to school, but Cody and I met at 7am to tackle the Pfeiff.  I borrowed some new gear from Petzl so we could get some cool ski mountaineering photos and we were off.  It is a long walk in.  It was warm (actually, the hottest day of the year so far).  We made our way up to the east ridge after some technical skinning sections.  While on the ridge we found some rotten snow on the Southeast face.  This was a bit disconserting.  We pushed on up to the foot of the Pfeifferhorn peak.  At this point you have to boot up a steep section of Southeast facing snow to reach the peak.  Due to the rotten snow on this aspect and the possibility of a unarrestable slide over cliffs, we decided we had just arrived too late in the season.  So we skied the apron instead.  It was still fun. 

I didn't get any sweet ski mountaineering photos.  I didn't get to ski the NW couloir.  I didn't get to summit the Pfeiff.  Oh, well.  I will just have to plan on it in March or April 2010.  Who's in?


"Skinning" across a bridge.

Code-man looks good even when he is resting.

Pioneer children sang as they walked...

And walked... - Red Pine Lake

And walked... - More "skinning."

And walked... - Finally, the Pfeiff itself.  The approach would have been right up that strip of snow closest to the camera.

And walked. - Along the East Ridge.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, some skiing.

Quite enjoyable corn snow was found.

Next year, Mr. Pfeifferhorn.  Next year.
You can see our tracks in the far left of the photo.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2008-2009 Ski Portfolio

In no way does this mean I am done skiing for the year.  If fact, I am hoping to get some good photos on Monday.  But I thought I would post my best photos from the year in one place.  If you are in any of these photos feel free to comment about it.  If you are not you can comment, too.